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Hunter New England Local Health District Employee Jobs

To view employee jobs at Hunter New England Local Health District:


  1. Log in using your StaffLink ID
  2. Click on the search all jobs button


You have successfully logged in if your name appears under settings in the top right-hand corner of the page.



Hunter New England Local Health District values its employees, offering a rewarding workplace culture with professional development and personal growth opportunities.


There are opportunities for employees to develop their skills across many areas with the Local Health District providing hospital, community and specialised services.


We offer positions that incorporate varying levels of seniority, autonomy and experience to cater to people at any career stage.

Whether you are looking for the next step in your career or to relocate to another facility we encourage you to view our current vacancies. 



Sign up for job alerts


To sign up for a job alert to be sent to your health.nsw.gov.au email address. Click on the drop-down arrow next to your name in the right-hand corner of the screen.

Click on ‘Settings‘


Under ‘Interests‘ select the types of jobs you are interested in by starting to type in a position name.

Region: select the region/towns you are interested in.  To add more than one region, press the ‘ADD‘ button.

Press save and you’re done!


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Remuneration: $127,150 – $144,444 p.a. + Superannuation + Salary Packaging Employment Type: Permanent Full TimePosition Classification:...

Operation Support

REQ559922 Requisition #

Empower lives through communication – join our passionate Speech Pathology team in the heart of the Hunter Valley!Remuneration: $37.03 - $52.83....

Speech Pathologist

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Remuneration: $30.61 Per Hour + Superannuation + Salary Packaging Employment Type: CasualPosition Classification: Motor Vehicle Driver Requisition...

Patient Transport

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Choose lifestyle and live in the vineyards; Enjoy dentistry and work-life balance; Employment Type: Permanent Full TimeLocation: Cessnock &...

Dental Officers

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Remuneration: $56.69 - $58.52 Per Hour + SuperLocation: Manning Base HospitalEmployment Type: Temporary Part TimePosition Classification:...

Occupational Therapist

REQ557756 Requisition #

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