Radiopharmaceutical Scientist Registrar

Hospital Scientist (Scientific Officer)
Northern Sydney Local Health District
REQ178091 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Radiopharmaceutical Scientist Registrar position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,645 open jobs by clicking here.
  1. Consistently demonstrates behaviours that reinforce the CORE Values of our organisation; Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment. Demonstrates these behaviours with all stakeholders; colleagues, direct reports, as well as our patients and consumers, and those that care for them.
  2. Bachelor of Science or Degree in Pharmacy/Chemistry from an approved university or college of advanced education requiring a minimum of three years full-time study or such qualifications as the employer deems equivalent.
  3. Relevant knowledge in production of Radiopharmaceuticals, relevant to a clinical hospital environment.
  4. Relevant knowledge in developmental and scientific work relevant to Radiopharmaceutical Sciences.
  5. Relevant knowledge of Radiation Physics and Radiation protection as demanded by the position.
  6. Currently hold or eligible for NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Radiation User License.
  7. High level written and verbal communication skills.
  8. Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team environment.

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Position Description
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For role related queries or questions contact Paul Roach on or 9926 4440

Applications Close: 7 August 2020 

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