Medical Physicist
South Western Sydney Local Health District
REQ326084 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Medical Physics Registrar (Cancer Therapy Centre) - Temp FT position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,952 open jobs by clicking here.

How to Apply
To be considered for this position, please ensure you address the selection criteria as thoroughly as possible.

  1. Bachelors degrees in physics, medical physics or equivalent discipline from a tertiary institution in Australia or equivalent from overseas (per National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition, NOOSR, requirements).
  2. A Postgraduate MSc or PhD degree (or significant progress towards the same) in physics, medical physics or equivalent discipline from a tertiary institution in Australia or equivalent from overseas (per NOOSR requirements). The degree must be acceptable to Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) to meet its postgraduate Training, Education and Assessment Program (TEAP) requirement.
  3. Completion or near completion of the coursework component of the Masters in Medical Physics (or equivalent Graduate Diploma for those undertaking a research postgraduate degree) from an educational institution and course acceptable to ACPSEM for meeting TEAP requirements.
  4. Eligible for associate or ordinary membership of the ACPSEM.
  5. Research experience as evidenced by postgraduate thesis progress or completion, or other relevant publication in a peer reviewed journal.
  6. Evidence of initiative and ability to prioritise amongst competing service requirements, and willing to work flexible work hours (early or late) at times, as required.
  7. Evidence of effective communication skills and ability to work effectively both in a multi-disciplinary team as well as independently.


Need more information?
  1) Click here for the Position Description
  2) Find out more about applying for this position
For role related queries or questions contact Gary Goozee on (02) 8738 9410 or Gary.Goozee@health.nsw.gov.au


Interview Date Range:  31/08/2022 - 7/09/2022


Additional Information


Stepping Up – Close the Gap
Stepping Up aims to assist Aboriginal applicants understand how to apply for roles with NSW Health by clarifying the recruitment and onboarding process. If you are an Aboriginal person and wish to obtain more information about applying for a role within South Western Sydney Local Health District, please contact the SWSLHD Aboriginal Workforce Team on SWSLHD-AboriginalWorkforce@health.nsw.gov.au  

Workplace Giving Program
South Western Sydney Local Health District employees also have the opportunity to make a difference to help those less fortunate. Visit the Workplace Giving Program for more information.

Salary Packaging
South Western Sydney Local Health District employees are able to enjoy the benefits of salary packing. Visit Smart Salary for more details.

Transforming Your Experience
Transforming Your Experience (TYE) is SWSLHDs key strategy to always positively transform your, our patients, our consumers, our staffs and our communities experiences across our organisation and services. Our vision is that our care is always safe, high quality and personalised and all our staff are supported and empowered to achieve their full potential. SWSLHD upholds the CORE Values – Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment.


All NSW Health workers are required to have completed a primary course of a COVID-19 vaccine which has been approved or recognised by the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA). New applicants must have completed the vaccination course prior to commencement with NSW Health, or provide an approved medical contraindication certificate certifying the worker cannot have any approved COVID-19 vaccines available in NSW.


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