Allied Health Assistant - Physiotherapy Rehabilitation

Allied Health Assistants
Western NSW Local Health District
REQ222934 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Allied Health Assistant - Physiotherapy Rehabilitation position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,912 open jobs by clicking here.

How to apply:
Candidates must read the Position Description and address the Selection Criteria for the role, providing examples where required. You must also upload a copy of your current CV as part of your application. For assistance, see our Guide to Employment with WNSWLHD. For further information on the remuneration and conditions, visit NSW Public Health System Awards.

Applications will close 20 Apr 2021 – 11:59pm.

For role related enquiries, please reach out to Peter Young on (02) 6369 3393 or

Please note:
This is a targeted position
in accordance with GSE Rule 26: Employment of eligible persons. Aboriginal people are encouraged to apply and affirmative action will be applied to suitable Aboriginal applicants in order to improve access to employment and career opportunities.

Talent Pool

If we identify a surplus of suitable candidates for this role, you may also be invited to an eligibility list where you could be offered an alternative position per the relevant Award.

Our commitment to Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
We are committed to building a workplace that values diversity, inclusion and belonging, by recognising and valuing the skills and strengths each person can bring to our organisation. As a vibrant and diverse region, rich in community and culture, we welcome applications from all ages and genders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disabilities and culturally and linguistically diverse groups.

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