Aboriginal Mental Health Peer Worker

Health Education Officer
Western Sydney Local Health District
REQ454820 Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Aboriginal Mental Health Peer Worker position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 1,967 open jobs by clicking here.

Essential Requirements: 

Evidence of Diversity claim if applicable (state which category): Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

Selection Criteria: 

  1. This is an identified Aboriginal Position. Applicants must be of Aboriginal descent. Exemption is claimed under Section 14d of the Anti-Discrimination Act. Aboriginal applicants must demonstrate Aboriginality in addition to addressing the selection criteria.
  2. Have your own lived or living experience of mental ill health and recovery including as a Consumer of mental health services and the ability to utilise your experience and recovery to constructively support Consumers with their own mental health recovery journey and have Completed or willingness to undertake Certificate IV Peer Work Mental Health qualification
  3. A demonstrated knowledge of the Aboriginal concept of social and emotional wellbeing including and understanding of Aboriginal family structure and Aboriginal culture and wisdom. This will include an understanding regarding the practical and emotional issues that may arise when working with Aboriginal individuals with mental health concerns and their families.
  4. Demonstrated understanding of the social, psychological and financial implications of hospitalisation for Aboriginal consumers.
  5. Demonstrated clear written and verbal communication and negotiation skills including computer skills (MS Office).
  6. Ability to work independently and as part of a multi-disciplinary team and actively contribute to clinical care planning processes in a team setting and advocate for the consumers.
  7. Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain effective partnerships with a range of key stakeholders such as Consumers, Carers, GPs, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, in-patient units and CMHTs.
  8. Have a current and valid NSW Drivers Licence (P2 acceptable) and be willing to use it to work across different locations in WSLHD.

Need more information?
  1) Click here for the Position Description
  2) Find out more about applying for this position
For role related queries or questions contact Antoni Yesudoss on 0427105308  or Antoni.Yesudoss@health.nsw.gov.au

Applications Close: 25th February 2024

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