Aboriginal Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Trainee

Aboriginal Health Worker
Northern Sydney Local Health District
REQ559792 Requisition #

An exciting opportunity has become available for a motivated Aboriginal Mental Health Worker Trainee to work within a positive and enthusiastic Drug and Alcohol Team based at the Drug and Alcohol Community Counselling Team within Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and the other will be based at Royal North Shore Hospital within the LNS Counselling Team.

This role provides an opportunity whilst working within a professional Drug and Alcohol counselling services that demonstrate evidence-based strategies to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and significant others affected by problematic substance use.

Employment Type: Permanent Full Time
Position Classification: Aboriginal Health Worker
Remuneration: $1,198.04 - $1,731.69 per week
Hours Per Week: 38
Requisition ID: REQ559792

Who we are: We are a health service that touches thousands of lives across the Northern Sydney Local Health District, together as a team of like-minded people. We are passionate, driven and have the skills and knowledge to care for our patients whilst creating the best services possible. Our teams have meaningful, interesting and rewarding work every day. We challenge and nurture each other, sharing our knowledge and experience so that we can deliver better care for everyone There’s a real sense of belonging here because we value and respect our patients, employees, and teams’ voices. You’ll feel a real privilege being a trusted caregiver in our patients, their families, their carers, and our communities’ lives.

NSLHD is proud of our diverse and inclusive workplaces, a place where health care professionals can thrive and feel they belong. We are committed to ensure that all our people feel respected and participate safely within a work environment without aggression, sexual harassment, discrimination and racism.

Where you'll be working

One trainee position will be located at Hornsby Hospital within the Hornsby Drug & Alcohol Community Programs Team, the other will be based at Royal North Shore Hospital within the LNS Counselling Team.

What you'll be doing

This position aims to improve the health of Aboriginal people in NSW by enhancing access to and ensuring mental  health and drug and alcohol services are culturally sensitive and responsive. The training program was established to build a highly skilled and professional Aboriginal MHDA workforce and provide opportunities to undertake learning in arrange of MHDA services that included being paid while you study and train towards a degree in the field of MHDA.
The trainee is required to:

  • Undertake and successfully complete, the Bachelor or Health Science (Mental Health) course at Charles Sturt University (3 year degree study period).
  • Under supervision and as part of a multidisciplinary team, provide appropriate health care to consumers referred to the MHDA
  • Promote the mental health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and wider communities and where possible, work in a holistic way to prevent the development of mental health problems and substance use problems

Opportunities will exist to undertake placements in a range of MHDA services. One day study time per week will be allocated during work hours to assist in the completion of university course requirements. The ability to travel for training up to 3 7-day University study blocks at CSU Wagga Wagga Campus or other Campus as identified by CSU, is a requirement of the position. Financial assistance to attend study blocks and accommodation is provided by CSU. As the position includes 'on the job learning', a senior clinician will be allocated to the Trainee at each placement to provide on-site support and assistance. The Trainee will be supported by the Manager for Aboriginal & Torres Strat Islander services, MHDA. The day to day operational management of the position is provided by the Team Leader onsite.  One trainee position will be located at Hornsby Hospital within the Hornsby D&A Community Programs Team, the other will be based at RNSH within the LNS Counselling Team. 

Improving care and outcomes 

The Aboriginal Mental Health Traineeship program will:

  • Increase the number of qualified Aboriginal mental health and drug and alcohol professionals in the workforce
  • Increase the knowledge of mental health and drug and alcohol service staff about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing
  • Improve the responsiveness of mental health and drug and alcohol services to the needs of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander consumers
  • Increase the number of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people accessing the range of mental health and drug and alcohol services
  •  Improve care pathways for all New South Wales

Supported study

As a trainee, you will complete a Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health) degree through Charles Sturt University full-time over three years commencing 2025. NSLHD will provide payment of your student contribution amounts for the course and provide on-the-job training and support.

You will study via distance education, with up to three week-long residential intensive subjects each year at Charles Sturt’s Wagga Wagga or Bathurst campus. CSU will provide accommodation, travel expenses, and meals for these residential subjects. NSLHD will support a study day once a week to maintain study requirements.

To stay in the traineeship, you will need to show you are working well both in the workplace and academically. 

If you choose to cease employment as a Trainee and exit the course before the end of three years, you can graduate with the following qualifications:

  • On successful completion of one year, a Diploma in Health Science (Mental Health)
  • On successful completion of two years, an Associate Degree in Health Science (Mental Health). 

Stepping Up

The Stepping Up Website is a resource designed to help Aboriginal job applicants apply for positions within NSW Health. 

If you are an Aboriginal person and wish to obtain more information about applying for a role with us, please visit:

Empower, listen and act together

Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of all children, young people and families within our community to keep them safe from harm and to empower children's voices.

At Northern Sydney Local Health District, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, where we don’t just accept differences, but we honour and support it. Committed to providing a working environment that thrives and values diversity, we encourage people of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, people with a disability and people from the LGBTQI+ community to apply.

People of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background encouraged to apply.

Candidates will need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent (N.B. an applicants race is a genuine occupational qualification and is authorised under section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, NSW).
  2. Willingness and commitment to undertake and demonstrate progression in the completion of the Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health) course currently located at Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga Campus. This includes being able to demonstrate the oral and written communication skills to a standard sufficient to undertake a university degree. NOTE: Applicants who are currently enrolled and/or who have partially completed the Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health) are also invited to apply for the position.
  3. Commitment to work as an Aboriginal Mental Health Worker Trainee under supervision, with consumers who have a mental health issues and their carers/families.
  4. Ability to organise and prioritise work and study activities and achieve work tasks and responsibilities within identified timeframes.
  5. Willingness and commitment to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team (including nursing, social work, medical, psychology and occupational therapist staff) and deliver services to the whole community.
  6. Knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the mental health, social, emotional and wellbeing issues experienced by people.
  7. Ability to travel for training and to attend Charles Sturt University residential teaching blocks and placements.

Need more information?
  1) Click here for the Position Description
  2) Find out more about applying for this position
For role related queries or questions contact Anthony Piras on Anthony.Piras@health.nsw.gov.au

This is a NSW Health Category A position which requires immunisation and screening for certain diseases. The full list of requirements are outlined in the NSW Health OASV Policy (Page 11). You will be required to complete the OASV Undertaking/ Declaration Form and TB Assessment Tool during the recruitment process. Please upload this with your application along with any other vaccination evidence that you may have. 

NSW Health is committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards.

Applications Close: 26 March 2025

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